Frontu FSM Partner Program
We welcome entrepreneurs, companies, technology enthusiasts, and anyone looking for business opportunities in the FSM field.
Become a partnerWe welcome entrepreneurs, companies, technology enthusiasts, and anyone looking for business opportunities in the FSM field.
Become a partnerReach out and a member of our team will help you with any question you might have. Email us by clicking on the link below.
Become a partnerFrontu is a leading field service management software company in the Baltics with 8 years of experience in heavy equipment, vending, facility management, utility, security, HVAC industries. We offer versatile functionality and add-ons tailored to the industry and particular consumer needs. We seek to make field service operations more efficient with task and time management, contactless procedures, paperless processes, and smart employee scheduling.
What makes us stand out is that we put field technicians and engineers first. They are the core of every FSM business, and we believe that the market lacks functionality and availability for mobile and remote working frontline workers. If you have the same vision, we are on the right path.
We offer three types of partnerships. Pick the one that suits you best.
To qualify for the Authorized partnership, you or your company must have the right to distribute the Frontu software in the agreed location. You should have a license or legal permission to run such an activity. According to your chosen plan, you will get commissions and a marketing budget.
The payout model is up to 35% of the revenue share and up to €3600 annually for marketing campaigns.
If you have an audience, are an expert in related industries, or a thought-leader in your field, you can start as our affiliate partner. After signing an agreement, you will get the percentage from sales for a 12-months period.
The payout model is up to 20% revenue share for generated leads.
Our partnership package is not limited to business people. We welcome partners from the media space and invite bloggers, influencers, consultants, social media experts, podcasters or any other media member that want to cross-post, feature their writing on our blog, co-host a webinar or join forces for a white paper. We’re open to ideas and are excited to explore new opportunities.
See which model fits you better, and let’s discuss your options to join the vastly growing field service management industry.
Become a partner